It's amusing to me how women take over. We take over situations, problems, children (even if they aren't our own), other women, but most of all MEN. i'm sorry men but once you fall in love your life is no longer what you thought it once was.
your time is not your own.your money is not your own.
your TV is not your own.your food is not your own.
your clothes are not your own.
your decisions are not your own.
your laundry soap isn't even your own.
your life is not your own.
we have entered it and quite frankly feel as though we need to do some "house cleaning" for lack of a better phrase. but there's no need to feel that this "intrusion" is a hostile takeover. rather, women see this "union" as well, a pajama party. every girl that has ever walked this planet has attended a pajama party. (for those of you females who have not, please call me and we'll have one. although i'm 25, i'm still a sucker! for a pajama party.) i digress, it was at these pajama parties where every girl learned ALL they needed to know about relationships in the future. you must understand that pajama parties have it all - friendhsip, joy, junk food, games, laughter, junk food, hurt feelings, crying, apologies, junk food, secrets, scary movies, junk food, security, late night talking, junk food, sharing covers, sleeping in, continued friendship and still more junk food. all kinds of drama converge on these specific nights to shake things up a bit and help us girls develope not only our character but our dedication to friendship. it was here that women learned how to share life, both the ups and the downs. we shared every feeling whether joy or pain. we shared emotions whether laughter or crying. we shared security in friendship and moments of fear. we shared late nights and early mornings. we shared clothes and covers, beauty secrets and bathrooms,! junk food and jokes. we learned relationships in these moments when we were together 24/7 through the ups and downs of girlhood. so, when we barge into your life stealing the remote and cleaning your kitchen it's because we love you men. you must remember it's hard on us as well. we commit to entering a stinky (sorry guys) environment with hopes of vanilla bean candles and window treatments. i promise we come in peace. i promise we mean no harm (to your ego atleast). i promise we will watch Sports Center if you just let us pluck your unibrow. i also promise that once you experience one of our pajama parties you will be just as hooked. you will love our friendship, games, junk food, fights and making up, secrets, late night talking, sharing covers, sleeping in, and unconditional love. your life wasn't really that great before us anyway, right?