Tuesday, December 07, 2004


It's weird making a transition in life as we all know by this point. In three weeks I will be done with Mosaic Manhattan and begin work on another church plant that doesn't have a name yet www.manhattanpartnership.org. It's going to be hard to leave. I've been here for almost three years and was the first person on staff with Gregg. Everything the church has been through, i have experienced right along with it. It's hard to think and plan for the next year with the staff knowing that I will not be around to see any of it. I know that this is what needs to happen right now. I've learned a lot in the past 3 years at Mosaic and now I feel like I can be a bigger part of this next church plant being a better leader and having made many mistakes that we will not need to repeat again. It's an exciting time but also kind of a sad time. There have been so many good times here and have had so many laughs with everyone it's going to be hard to say goodbye to all of that.

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