Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hebrew is Smiting Me!

I'm almost positive by now people are tired of hearing me complain about Hebrew. In fact, I am tired of hearing me complain about Hebrew! But I want to say that I studied for today's quiz for almost 4 hours total.

Quite a bit of time for one little quiz that we have once, sometimes twice a week. I thought I had everything memorized perfectly and was expecting to ace it! I memorized the Imperative, Infinitive and Participle paradigms and all the vocab from chapters 1-9 which is almost 100 words. But I get there and it turns out we didn't just have to know vocab from chapters 1-9 but also for chapter 10 which I hadn't studied at all! I do not recall him ever saying we needed to know vocab from 10. In any case, I got everything I had studied right, but I missed two of the vocab from chapter 10 so I ended up with a 12 out of 14.

Unfortunately that is a C and does not improve my chances of passing! Crap!

The other thing is, the Midterm is worth 20% of our grade (which is in two weeks) and the Final is worth 30% of our grade. 50% of my grade is left up in the air of these two huge tests! Ouch! That's not so great considering I'm already probably getting a C in the class. I can't imagine these two tests helping that C improve any!

I'm just not a language guy, what can I say?


Dan said...

In what universe is 85.7% a C? That's just dumb.

Dustin said...

sorry, C+, i was wrong...