Monday, August 07, 2006

The Windy City

Congratulations Brad and Anne Prunty on your marriage! You should be in Aruba right now. We had a great time hanging out all week and at the wedding. We are glad that we could be a part of it. They have an exciting future ahead of them and I wish them the best.

It was a super busy week but I had a lot of fun. I even golfed on Friday morning. It wasn't pretty seeing that it was my third time playing in my life. Tough game. I also destroyed Nick Plassman at NBA Jam as we were playing until three in the morning which somehow his whole staff at Community Christian found out about and chastised him over. No idea how or why but it was entertaining, wasn't it Nick?

Yesterday was our 1 year anniversary so we spent it in downtown Chicago. We saw the Blue Man Group last night and it was INCREDIBLE. It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I LOVED it. I can't say how much I loved it. If you get a chance GO! I'll have a picture up as soon as I get off my lazy butt of Kelli and I and one of the Blue Men.

I also want to give a big THANK YOU to John and Taryn for helping us out with our car situation. They spent 4 1/2 hours trying to get our car sold to Carmax and stored up several thousand treasures in heaven and maybe a few bucks here on earth if they decide to cash the check. In any case, thanks John, that was a huge help and I know what a pain that is.

Also saw Talladega Nights on Saturday night and it rocked! I loved the prayer scene in the beginning of the movie. That was one of the funniest scenes I have ever watched. I can't wait to watch this movie again because there are probably several little things I missed along the way. Great comedy! Believe it or not, even the critics thought so and that never happens with a comedy. What did you think of the movie?

This week we're hanging out near my family in Morton, going to see a few movies, a Peoria Chiefs game, and who knows what else. Just wanted to give a brief update.


bill said...

betsy and loved talladega nights, too. and that prayer scene is awesome. i liked all of john c. reilly's other "i like to think of jesus as..." during the credits too. i was rolling.

DougieB said...

"I like to think of Jesus as a changeling... like, what was that show? Manimal?"

Anonymous said...

"You dirty little pot-licker. I will put you in a microwave."

RC said...

how gotta love summer wedding season...a few weeks ago my sister got married the same weekend as my wife and I's one year anniversary.

Haven't seen Taldega Nights yet, but cool to see you like it.

--RC of