Friday, November 17, 2006

I Don't Know Whether to Laugh or Cry!

Hahahahaha. To read more go to HERE.

Thanks for the heads up Christian!

This reminds me of that one time people left the church I was preaching at because I made a joke about Joel Osteen. The person sought me out afterwards and handed me a picture of which consisted of them with Joel Osteen in person! Oops.


Anonymous said...

...that and because Andy said "crap" in a sermon.

are you kidding me though? a game?

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha. i just looked at the link.

it's a freakin board game.

Aaron Stewart said...

No wonder the world thinks we're retarded.

flowergirl said...

You know people talk about him here in Russia like he's Jesus. They have his books translated and quote him all the time. The prosperity movement is big here and haunts me everywhere I go (since it comes from ours truly, America)... I recently got into an argument with a friend who talks about him way too much and whose "life was changed" by his teachings.

It is so sad because the last thing Russians need is someone to tell them that it is their lack of faith that is the reason why they are poor or don't have big houses and cars and plenty to eat. But it works here because doctors in hospitals guilt patients and there is always a personal fault as to why someone is sick and not just weather or germs or a virus.

On a funny note, check out my newest picture of me with Lenin on my blog :-)

John V said...

I'm speechless.

Tyler said...

he kinda looks like ed grimley

Mandy said...

ahahhahahahahaha. this is hilarious.