Tuesday, November 07, 2006

District Attorney Carson

I just read my post from yesterday and that was pretty harsh! I must have been hungry.

Speaking of harsh i just got done reading D.A. Carson's "Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church" which should have the subtitle "Why I despise Brian Mclaren and why everything he thinks is wrong." That is the basic premise of the book. While there is some truth in some of what Carson says, most people disregard those truths because of all of the cheap shots he took throughout the book. But then again, most of the accusations posed in the book are simply untrue or are statements Mclaren has made that Carson has manipulated and taken out of context. I don't even have a "Friend of Emergent" button on my blog and it was still infuriating to read. Carson completely and purposefully (it seems) misrepresents most, if not all of what Emergent is about and accidently confuses Emergent with The Emerging Church througout which is a primary indicator on what you are about to read is very uninformed. Anyway, I could go on, but it wouldn't do any good I suppose.

I read this for a seminary class. I'm not exactly sure as to the purpose yet because we haven't discussed the book but it made me want to transfer to George Fox!


drew moser said...

I have a few copies of Carson's book, plus a few of "Truth and A New Kind of Christian". All copies were 'graciously', 'lovingly', and 'humbly' given to me by fundies in my church who are praying for me and my propensity for false teaching.

anybody want these things? they're just taking up space in my office collecting dust.

Randy Ehle said...

I'm only halfway through Carson's book and I agree that he quickly betrays his bias against all things emergent. In the preface Carson writes, "I have tried to listen respectfully and carefully; I hope and pray that the leaders of this 'movement' will similarly listen to what I have to say." Sadly, I think he has largely shut down any chance for meaningful and substantive dialogue.

Nonetheless, Dustin, I do find some redeeming value in the book. While Carson seems to have shot himself - and perhaps the rest of evangelical Christendom - in the foot, his stated desire for dialogue is an admirable goal to which all sides should aspire. I hope that we can find some of that dialogue in class; I think we have enough of a mixture of voices that we should be able to.

Dustin said...

Hey Randy,
I agree with you Randy, I think there are some positive things in Carson's book, but I do think it is based on a false and biased premise which is unfortunate. I expected Carson's work to be a little more...trying to think of the word. Um. I guess I could say "objectively critical" Not sure if that is the best word or not but you get the point. It will definitely be an interesting discussion and if I get out of control or ungracious please feel free to slap me on the back of the head. I'm serious!

Dustin said...

by the way, i didn't mean to use your name twice that closely in the same paragraph. I apologize for that!