1. Vasher wasn't covering Steve Smith more, instead Tillman was getting dominated all four quarters.
2. The Bears defense forgot to show up to a home game.
3. Someone didn't knock Jake Delhomme out for being a fruitcake.
(now I know what poor sportsmanship really is. Delhomme is the new Leinart)
Oh well, sure i'm disappointed in the Bears but honestly good defense can only get you so far. What the Bears really need are some good players. Seriously, we don't have one star offensive player (say what you will about Grossman or Jones).
dustin...don't you remember the ribbing you got when you slandered leinhart recently?? now you are going to do the same to jake delhomme?? you are a ballsy one, mr. bagby. i think if you are man enough to do it, you should've added a good 'jake delhomo' joke, though. but thats just me.
yes, i certainly remember and I don't think i'll be getting much crap this time because i've never heard anyone disagree on this one. What a punk to run out of the stadium as soon as the buzzer sounds and not even talk to the other players. What is he going to do in the locker room anyway? None of the other players are in there yet. Maybe he has a little weiner and doesn't want to shower with the other guys. Who knows? But wouldn't you want to be on the field with your team celebrating and at least congratulating the other QB for a good season. Nope, not Delhomme, he just runs off the field as quickly as possible to grab some soap and hope he's out of the shower by the time the lineman get in there.
DJ Gallo had a Monday article on espn.com (page 2) with a section titled "Headlines that are probably in newspapers this morning..." This one from Charlotte: "Delhomme shot with high-powered tranquilizer dart to calm him down for flight home".
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