When Tito came to our apartment he was very energetic and excited to be in a new environment because his owner beats him which you can see by the bruises of his eyes. That crazy woman should be locked up for years! Poor Tito!

Tito and I played with his ball for a long time because his owner never plays with Tito and any kind of attention he gets is very rare. I've never seen a dog more excited to just play a little ball.

After Tito gets his toys he is careful to keep them close because his owner usually grabs them out of Tito's mouth, sometimes ripping out teeth and hides them from Tito for days on end leaving him nothing to play with. She is evil! Poor puppy.

Tito got worn out from playing with his ball and fell asleep. His owner doesn't let him sleep at home. She keeps him up by playing loud music and poking him in the gut. She keeps the music on right by his kennell all night so he can't sleep while she gets a great rest in her comfy bed! This is the first time he has slept in weeks!

Tito encounters Mr. Tuttle, Kelli's stuffed turtle after another nap in our bed. He is thrilled to see another creature because his owner doesn't ever let him have contact with animals, stuffed or real! If another animal comes close to Tito she shoots it with a gun and laughs.
By the way, this evil womans name is Stephanie Roberts. You would be wise to stay away from this psychopath. Kelli and I are hoping to kidnap Tito and take him to a safe place where the evil witch of Tampa will never be able to hurt poor Tito again.
Part Two Coming!
P.S. - man i hope people don't take this seriously. Mostly for Stephanie's sake !
I agree she is an evil witch. You should she what she did to Tito Sunday night. I'll try to get you some pics. Whenever you and Kelli decide to kidnap him let me know. I will help you by sacrificing my safety by keeping the evil witch occupied.
i wouldn't mind getting in a couple shots at tito's stupid little puppy face, too. punching puppies is just good clean fun.
Those balls he plays with are the cutest little balls I've ever seen!
Well i j/ wanted to say that I think that Tito's owner is an amazing young lady. She is the best dog owner ever!!!
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