Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another Church Experiment

One of the "Pointe" churches I talked about in the last post had this as "How We Minister". Feel free to point out anything that may be funny to you. I'm interested to hear your responses once again.

"Our goal is to meet your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs with a balanced ministry mix. The "Blank" Pointe family is where you will meet people who are warm and will make you feel at ease. All "Blank" Pointe worship experiences, LIFE Groups, and support groups are designed for high life application and will enhance your life skills. LIFE Groups are forming in the area for all ages. You may remain anonymous and simply observe or linger and enjoy meeting people for refreshments."

By the way, they also have a link and picture of Saddleback and Willow Creek on their "About Us" page. This is something I have never seen before. Sometimes one or the other, but never both! That is idolatrous! And their section about "Why Jesus?" starts with the 70's classic, "If you died tonight, would you be sure you would be with God in Heaven???"

Ok, i'm done being a jerk.


Agent B said...

I would run faster than anything to visit (or join) a church if their marketing brochure said somethng like:

"We're a bunch of screwed up individuals with issues..."

Agent B said...

And, oh yeah, we're "trying to get to the next level". (insert sarcastic winky face here)

DougieB said...

sounds like another business... complete with marketing and an angle. I would love to see a church, that when asked about how to get involved mention the soup kitchen they run, or the way they reach out to the needy within their walls, or about their incredibly proggressive and effective street witnessing ministry in which they fluster strangers with ludicrous questions about hell and damnation.

... is their an html tag for sarcasm? ... oh. (one of those things is not true.)

Anonymous said...

Two words come to mind: Consumer Christianity.

"Our goal is to meet your spiritual, emotional , and physical needs with a balanced ministry mix."

--This sounds like some kind of "power drink shake". We cook up this great ministry formula and have you take it. It is perfectly blended to you can consume it in such a way that is good for you.--

"groups are designed for high life application and will enhance your life skills."

--This just sounds weird. Enhancing life skills? What exactly does that mean? I didn't quite know that was the church's job. What kind of skills are we talking about? I never heard anybody say, "Hey I want to go to church because I want to enhance my life skills.---

---This is the best part though---

"LIFE Groups are forming in the area for all ages. You may remain anonymous and simply observe or linger and enjoy meeting people for refreshments."

--How exactly do you join a life group and chose to remain anonymous and observe? What do you do, not give people your name and just tell them you're observing their life group anonymously?---

I feel your pain, dude. I'm sure you & K will find a place that is up to snuff with your heart and desires., & Co. is mostly a depressing wasteland that makes pretty much anyone want to shoot themselves, or at least not ever work for a church again.
