Tuesday, May 16, 2006

GALL Day #1

“We’re completely blind to the fact that the people to whom we do ministry are little more than blank slates upon which we seek to write our own legacies. It’s the way power has always hidden itself in the guise of love. What’s worse is that we’re trying to sell our own twisted take on God to these guys, too.” Pg. 211

This is one of the quotes that I was talking about when I said there were some things that struck me upside the head and made me think. I wonder how true this is of me and my "ministry". I wonder to what extent this was in the back of my mind as I've been serving God in the last four years. It's certainly something to think about.


DougieB said...

That's quite convicting... and ridiculously true. hmm.

Agent B said...

Aww man, I can totally believe in that quote.

That "last shall be first" schtick ain't just schtick. I mean...the top dog in a ministry arena can only play the hmble servant card for so long. The temptations of power and/or legacy come knocking sooner or later.