Thursday, February 22, 2007

Moving on up...

1. Yesterday was my last day at Hollywood Video. I worked the day shift so it was a very easy last day. As much as I hated most of the crap that went on there are far as sales quotas and such, I did like the people I worked with quite a bit. Plus I feel like I know everyone in the neighborhood now. I recognize so many people on the street and yesterday a guy bumped into me at Starbucks and said, "Hey, video store guy!" and we got to talk for a while. It was a great place to work as far as getting connected with those in the neighborhood. I recognize families and dogs and all sorts of stuff. So as much as the job sometimes sucked, I do not regret working there for a season. I will miss seeing the people regularly that I got to know.

2. We get to move into a new apartment above ground on March 15 or 16th! This is extremely exciting news for us. We've been living in a basement studio apartment which has been completely fine for us but it will be nice to move to a new apartment where there is a huge window and sunlight can come in. It also has a little fireplace in the corner. The most exciting part of this is finally being able to have people over again! It will be a great place to host a life group this spring or summer! Plus, in Tampa we hosted wine/beer tasting parties where people could connect and get to know each other. We miss those a lot! And what better place to continue the tradition than Portland? After Lent of course.

3. I heard a fantastic quote that I had never heard before yesterday that apparently everyone has heard before. It was when a woman said to Winston Churchill, "you are drunk." He replied, "And you are ugly, but I will be sober in the morning." Hahaha. That's awesome.

4. Participated in an Ash Wednesday service last night to kick off the Lent season. It was a time of reading scripture together, praying, being silent and going through some prayer stations. There is something powerful about hearing another human say, "from dust you came, and from dust you will return." Really puts things in perspective. I appreciate the people in our faith community and what they bring more and more everytime we're together. It's truly a fantastic group of Christ-followers.

For these four reasons, today I am very thankful.


Anonymous said...

that Winston Churchill quote was amazing. at Citrus Park Mall by my house there is a bronze mold of a baby that looks just like Churchill. i'll have to show you a picture of it.

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