Thursday, February 22, 2007

For fans of tracts...

If you're a Harry Potter fan, you've got to read this Chick Tract!

Funny stuff! The most illuminating thing out of this tract is how uninformed it is. A classic form of ignorance that has been plaguing fundamentalism from the beginning.

A few observations:
-I honestly think the uncle looks more creepy than the witches.
-I love the scene where the two witches are in the room together and as they pronounce that witches rule there is a picture of Harry Potter in the background. Hilarious!
-The wording of "I'm bringing Uncle Bob home" was a little strange.
-Apparently Holly is going to hell.
-"Do we have the stereotypical witch? Let's see. Ouiji boards? Check. Tarot Cards? Check. Crystal Balls? Check Pentagrams? Check. Yup, we're all set Mr. Chick."
-My favorite, "the King James Bible is the only version that Satan hasn't messed with."

Who are these people that write these things???


Tyler said...

wow. just wow.

How did you get into the craft?
Easy. Harry Potter!

Anonymous said...

What's especially brilliant about this is the fact that they obviously haven't read Harry Potter. Oujia boards? crystal balls? tarot cards? I don't remember any of that stuff being predominant in potter, if mentioned at all. If you are going to rip something, you should probably at least know what is and isn't in it.

Mikey said...

my favorite part was when he told her to only read the kjv because it was the only english version that satan hasn't messed with

Anonymous said...

We do see Trelawney with a crystal ball in book 3 and with tarot cards in book 6, but in very small amounts. Plus she is considered a fraud anyway. I am sure we never see a Oujia board in the series.
They don't ever talk about having a spirit guide in the books either! Honestly, reading books about good and evil making 12 year olds ask for a "spirit guide" is beyond ludacris.
What happened to tracts that talked about our sins and Christ's sacrifice?
Great find Dustin!! My eyes needed a little rolling exercise!