Sunday, January 30, 2005

Life Aquatic

I watched the Life Aquatic with Bill Murray yesterday and was pretty disappointed. It was long and pretty uneventful. Your typical "indie" movie where it is cool to have no plot but just many unconnected events that is supposed to get people to think deep. In other words, it was garbage. There were some funny parts but overall it wasn't worth seeing.

My friend Elvyss dared me to go to the front of the theatre beforehand and talk to everyone for 20 seconds. I went ahead and did it. I welcomed everyone to the theatre, told them what movie we were going to see and told them where they could get refreshments. It was quite an embarassing moment. You should have seen their faces! But I got 20 dollars for the humiliation so it was worth it.

Last night my knee started hurting really so i got up, took some Vikaten and continued to wake up in pain all night long. Today it is a little better but I've just been laying around. Tomorrow I get to go and get the sutures taken out. THANK GOD!!!!! Hopefully that will clear it up!

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