Saturday, January 08, 2005

Clubs, Bars and Coffeehouses.

Posted by Hello
In Matthew Turner's book, "The Coffeehouse Gospel" he says "It's a Christ followers ultimate goal to reach out to those who do not know the loving-kindness of God. Yet in many ministry organizations, fraternities, and churches, they expect people to come to the safety of their environment to learn about Christ or hang out with those who do know Him. Unfortunately, we Christians have become experts at creating clean and safe surrounding for ourselves, but in the process, some of us have lost the true ideals of the Great Commission. "And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." The Bible doesn't say, "Let all the sinners come to our little world of traditional religion so we can preach the hell out of them."

This is what part of my chapter was about in The Relevant Church (which by the way is #142727 on the sales chart). That's not good is it? Anyway, i feel very similarly about this issue of evangelicals trying to create an event where we feel safe and secure and try to get pre-believers out of their comfort zone when God has called us to be the ones to go and be out of our comfort zone. I've found myself in some pretty weird places and some very uncomfortable situations in the last three years but I've learned to realize that this is part of God's plan! He wants us to spend time with people! All kinds of people even if it does make us uncomfortable. It's so easy to get in the habit of being selfish (but I want to remain pure and untainted) rather than selfless (i'm not sure i'm comfortable here but this is a great opportunity to build relationships with people who need God's love).

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