Monday, September 17, 2007

The end of life as we know it...

Last week Kelli and I realized that our nightly ritual of watching Friends at 6:30 and 7:00 and then watching Seinfeld at 7:30 had been destroyed by some moron at the television station who thought people might enjoy watching Family Guy and Two and a Half Men during those time slots.


I enjoy Family Guy as much as the next guy, but come on, can anyone justify taking Friends and Seinfeld off for that and Two and a Half Freaking Men? Are you serious? It's been a while since I've been so riled up about anything!

This definitely changes our lives and schedules in ways I have not yet stopped to even comprehend. To what shall we turn for our dining entertainment? I'm not sure there are any easy answers at this point. Life is complicated. Sure I could watch Seinfeld on DVD since I own all of the seasons currently available but that does not replace watching syndicated episodes with a large number of our population. It's just not the same. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

friends, huh?

Dustin said...

just for the record, Friends is Kelli's choice! although i've got to be honest, it's growing on me.

Anonymous said...

kelli's choice...right.

you wanna come over this weekend and have a friends, gilmore girls, and sex in the city marathon? we could paint our nails and hot wax our legs?

Aaron Stewart said...

Don't forget ice cream Devin!

Man... I was expecting something serious with a blog title like that I haven't owned a tv in four years and haven't watched a show in a couple months so I'm having a hard time being sympathetic to the plight of you and your family Dustin. =P

Dustin said...

Saturday or Sunday? I'm in!

Yes, this is a burden I must bear alone!