Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wet and Wild Weekend

This past Saturday Kelli and I took a trip to Bagby Hot Springs which is a few hours drive from Portland. We were both told about the hot spring on the exact same day by a co-worker of Kelli's and for me it was the Fed Ex guy so we thought it was fate that we should visit. The drive was beautiful and the 1.5 mile hike to the bathhouses was even more beautiful. It was nice to do something outdoors, it was the first time we have since we've moved to Oregon.

So here comes the fun part.

What we didn't known was that clothing was optional and weed was practically mandatory! Luckily (or so we thought) there were some private rooms with baths (you can see pictures of all of this HERE). We get inside one of the rooms, pop the stick that is holding the water back and start to fill up the tup when we noticed that there are holes in the wood of the walls which you can safetly see the people in each of the rooms next door. I went out to get a bucket of cold water to balance out the 136 degree water from the spring and when I came back Kelli whispered to me, "well, i just saw that old man's penis." Oh geeze. What was worse was that the older couple next door was not sexually inhibited like I had waished.

It was a strange place, but would be peaceful minus all the nudity, or perhaps minus our self-consciousness over nudity. As we left the bathhouse to start our hike back to the car we looked down a hill where there were some public baths and that didn't even stop people from being naked or acting out all their public sex fantasies. People here amaze me!

Also, we got back to our car and had a 75 dollar ticket because we forgot to pay 5 dollars to park. Crap.


Dustin said...

hahaha, a loincloth, that's funny.

Anonymous said...

Well, when it comes to nudity, you know what they say.... "When in Rome..."

Melissa said...

What a fantastic story! I died laughing picturing Kelli "exposing" the truth. You HAVE to visit this place again!

Between and Becoming said...

Omg. I just howled with laughter at Kelli's whispered admission. I can SO picture her saying it like that, too. OMG. ha;lksjdfolksdjf

g13 said...

why do i get the feeling that this is the kind of place that Crede from The Office spends his vacations?

that's awesome.