Friday, October 06, 2006

Randon Notes

Watched Lucky Number Slevin last night because I have unlimited free rentals (which is the only reason I will bring home Click tonight). I was disappointed with Slevin. It was slow moving, fairly uninteresting and only sparked my interest at the end when the story finally unwinds and then abruptly ends. I thought it was an awkward film overall and certainly disappointing considering the huge cast.

We also watched Thank You For Smoking last week and it was great. Very clever and funny. By the end I was thinking to myself, "man, they've really duped me, why am i rooting for this guy? he's a terrible human being." Fun movie though, i highly recommend it.

Having a hard time processing and thinking creatively with information and ideas lately. I'm not sure why. I feel like my brain has hit a wall. It might be because of my schedule or I'm just blank right now. I guess we all go through those spells.

Kelli and I are taking a little road trip this weekend to Bagby Hot Springs (i guess we're obligated with a name like that). As the name implies they are some natural hot springs that you hike about a mile and a half to get to and then hop in (they say clothing is optional).

Going to see Joseph Arthur next Friday at the Doug Fir. I'm cranked (trying to find new adjectives for the word excited) for that.

I saw a blurb in Newsweek about a gun range in Las Vegas called The Gun Store that rents all kinds of machine guns and automatic weapons to you to shoot. How freaking unreal would that be? You could feel what it would be like to shoot guns like they have in the movies! I told my friend Bob that this morning and also told him that I pretend sometimes that I'm packing heat when I walk around the neighborhood (doesn't anyone else do this?). I'm pretty sure he thinks i'm insane now. I may have watched too many Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stalone, etc. movies as a kid. I think this is the kind of post that police come back to and say, "see this is where he first started talking about guns" after some absurd criminal behavior. I'm going to stop talking now, i'm not crazy, I promise. Actually, the exact opposite, i've always had the fantasy to be the hero like Chuck Norris in Forced Vengeance, or Missing in Action, to take down the bad guys.

Ok, back to the real world. i'm out like Ryan Secrest.


g13 said...

i hit an intellectual wall like that. i nicknamed it "seminary."

the new scorcese flick is great by the way. i think even non-bostonians will dig it.

Anonymous said...

i thought S7evin was great, i just saw it last weekend... I enjoyed the wallpaper choice in that flick the most... does that deem me gay?

Dustin said...

i guess i'm alone on Slevin, that's alright, glad you guys enjoyed it.

WE actually saw the Last Kiss. It was one of the most depressing films i have ever seen. It's was alright, but was a real downer. The first half I was thinking in my mind, "Is this Garden State Pt. 2?"

Anonymous said...

Ha. Can I borrow your word "cranked"? I like it. I could import it into Russian. Or teach it in my English class like it's the most popular new slang word in America. Then Russians will be running around saying they are "so cranked."

:-) Stink. I was so looking forward to seeing "Last Kiss". It's showing here in the theaters in Russian but I wanted to wait until it came out on DVD or until I am home in December. I saw the trailer online and thought it did look a little depressing. Like he's so unsatisfied in life. I also thought the two girls looked almost the same. Couldn't tell them apart.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

have to admit I have never walked the neighborhood as if I had a piece on the hip or strapped to my leg. I will try this now and see how it goes