Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm having a hard time believing that T.O. actually tried to kill himself as the story goes.

Seems there are conflicting reports:

1. Media - T.O. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. Obviously the media's job is to jump the gun and think the worst at ALL times to manipulate something into a hot story.

2. T.O's publicist - T.O.'s pain killers mixed wrongly with his supplements so she took him to the hospital, he did not try to commit suicide. But of course the publicist's job is to cover up anything that looks negative and pretend everything is okay.

3. Police - T.O. called 911 and when asked if he was trying to hurt himself and he said, "Yes." which is recorded. Hard to refute that, but not a whole lot of information to go off of. The Police's job is to tell you as little as possible anytime, and that's probably for good reason.

Who do you believe when everyone's job is to lie???

4. Dustin's theory - T.O. took 5-7 pain killers, not trying to kill himself, but desperately seeking attention (which has been known of T.O. in the past). I'm not in the medical field but I know that it would take a few more than that to kill yourself. He's depressed, he's upset, he swallows the pills to get attention from those around him and see if people really care about him which is what you want when you are depressed. In the next few days he will make a press statement (forced by the team and his publicist) that he took some pain pills that didn't go well with his supplements. Therefore he called 911 and was too loopy to answer the questions correctly, he had thought they said, "are you hurting?" not "are you trying to hurt yourself?" He'll make some jokes in the press statement to let everyone know that he is completely happy with the world, he'll make a few statements about how he just wants to move forward and play football (until the next time he seeks attention), and then he'll hope the whole thing blows over and never answer questions about it again.

Any other theories???

Updated 12:40pm PST - Come on, somebody tell me I was right. I just watched the press conference and I called it EXACTLY! By the way, his publicist is the worst liar on earth. The media are much better liars! Good work media.


bill said...

i think he and a buddy were playing catch with the pill bottle. and opening it and swallowing the contents was his touchdown dance.

that also is just a theory.

Anonymous said...

YOU were exactly right! I am found of saying that there are two sides to every story and then there is the truth! Who knows what the truth really is with anything that TO does? I think he is perhaps so confused that he as confused himself.

Melissa said...

Since as a child I spent more time with the Dallas Cowboys (through the TV obviously) than my own aunts and uncles I was glued to the NFL Network all day long to watch the situation unfold. I noticed three things.

1. You are absolutely right and she is the worst liar I have seen in quite some time.

2. All of Dallas (and the rest of the country) now know the exact address of TO as well as his car and license plate number. Now I don't want to tell the media how to do their job, but is this really a good idea? Do I need to know the specific Escalade that he drives down the 635 on? I think not.

3. T.O.'s place sure didn't look like he was making $25 million. In fact, it looked like he didn't plan on sticking around Dallas for the long term. I visit Dallas every year and the houses are amazing. What would possess him to live in such a rat trap? I realize his permanent house is in Atlanta and he spends most of his time there, but come on. Yours and Kelli's Tampa apartment was nicer than his Dallas one!

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