Friday, December 02, 2005

Scumbag of the Week Award

"The Pharisees were a very zealous and conservative sectarian movement that Paul had been a part of prior to his conversion. They were highly committed to getting back to the Scriptures and their brand of hard-line-old-time religion. They developed a litany of laws to separate themselves from others in an effort to maintain their purity and righteousness by living in their own isolated culture. The Pharisees basically believed that they were good and clean before God, so they looked down on everyone else and conveniently overlooked their own sins and hypocrisy." Mark Driscoll

This is a great description of not only the Pharisees but this hideous creature who writes the article I have linked below. I can't describe the anger I feel after I read this slimeball's article. This description above couldn't have been written better.

This could be the most hate filled, ridiculous articles I've ever read.


Anonymous said...

i have never wanted to kick another human being so squarely in the balls in all my life. i want him to understand how horrible, arrogant, and un-Christlike his words are. i want him to pay for this filth. he is sick. his words are so full of hate they sound as if they have come from the lips of Satan. i wish there was a way of retaliation. but there's not. not for dickheads like paul proctor. God have mercy on this disgustingly pitiful man. God have mercy on us all...for as much as it turns my stomache, i know that i am more like paul proctor than i am like You.


Nick said...

Although they obviously miss their beloved pastor and his fanciful messages, the real tragedy here would be missing the message that God was sending; but then sometimes the hardest things in life to understand and accept are the obvious.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Quote from Pharisitical asshole.

Mikey said...

Ridiculous...I am glad that the God I know is a little more loving and gracious and compassionate than the one that Paul Proctor knows.

Dustin said...

yeah, it doesn't get much more evil than that! But do yourself a favor and don't give him the joy by emailing him about it. this slime doesn't deserve a response to his ignorance.

flowergirl said...

that article gave me chills and creeped me out. to think that people are brainwashed by that regularly.

Agent B said...

Thanks for taking a public stance against articles like this.

Tyler said...

is this guy in love with the apostle Paul or what? I bet he doesn't get asked to preach at too many funerals...

"we know our friend didn't die because of a car accident, he died because he didn't TITHE!!!!!!"