Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm a Non-Trad!

I've found something I want to do next semester since I've got some free time during the day. I'm doing something I never thought I would do. I'm going to be a non-trad. Back in the Lincoln days I always used this word as kind of a curse word. If you called someone a non-trad that was a horrible thing.

But I figured I might as well do something that I will enjoy on the side for fun but I have to warn you that this could change my reading list for the year which I'm a little upset about. This is the point some of you are going, "why do i read this nerds blog?" I don't know. This is a good example of blogging at it's worst. Anyway, i'm taking two classes as a non-degree student at USF. Here are the descriptions.

American Literature 4300 - The study of two or three related major authors in American literature, focusing on several major figures; the course may include such writers as Melville and Hawthorne, Hemingway and Faulkner, James and Twain, Pound and Eliot, Stevens and Lowell, etc. Specific topics will vary.

British Novel Through Hardy 4122 - A study of early and later British novels such as Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Austen, Scott, Dickens, Eliot, and Hardy, among others.

I'm very excited about this because I love classic novels but have never gotten the chance to take any classes on classic authors so i'm very pleased that I will be able to. Plus both of the classes are on M,W back to back so it's only a 11-1pm commitment a week!

Ok, go ahead and read someone elses blog. I realize after this worthless post some of you won't be back but I implore you to reconsider because I'm sure at some point I will write an interesting post again! I apologize for blah.


Anonymous said...

it's okay man, the "vocation, vocation" post keeps us coming back for more... that's the stuff right there, you modern martin luther, you...

Tyler said...

hey if you are gonna be a non trad, that means you have to take a laptop to class and also get a tray when you go to the cafeteria. If you stocked up on plad shirts and khakis, then you fit the bill perfectly.

DougieB said...

maybe it's just because i haven't attended a bible school (as of yet) but only a state-endowed institution, but i have no idea what a non-trad is.

i suppose it is relatively self explanatory, as a non-traditional student taking classes for personal development or interest, but i love asking (apparently) silly questions.

Dustin said...

well doug, at our bible college the non-trads were indeed non-traditional students who were usually quite older but there was a stereotype surrounding these non-trads that was lived up to almost 100 percent. They were the nerds of the nerd. Couldn't have possibly been any nerdier. They would ask lots of questions, many very dumb questions sometimes even drawing out class longer than scheduled while the whole class just wanted to go get lunch. They sucked up to the professors like I've never seen before. They wanted to be the teachers pet so bad and sometimes tried to make themselves feel like peers of the professors by what they talked about. They were a strange breed. I hope this helps a little bit. They are pretty hard to describe in whole, but rather have to be experienced. I hope to live up to these expectations.

Dustin said...

Yes you're totally right Betsy! I forgot about those. Those are completely non-trad!