Thursday, November 10, 2005

Weird Dream

I had the strangest dream last night. I was getting married to a woman that I can't identify because I have no idea who she was. After the ceremony we were at the reception and she got real drunk and I caught her making out with another guy. Of course I was devestated as would be expected and confronted her. She was like, "it's not that big of a deal honey, i don't even know who that guy is." To which I responded, "well, if you're getting drunk and are making out with someone else on our own wedding day, this marriage doesn't have much of a chance." (seems like common sense). So I talked to my friend Gregg who performed the wedding in the dream and he said that I should get it annulled, so I did and I was on my own again. I'm still mourning the loss today.


Michael said...

har har har.

You poor boy.

change destiny said...

Wow ! You must have been hijacked by aliens , expiremented on , dropped out on an a lost island , diead and came back to life to have such a dream . or simply drunk lol .