Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I just finished reading Frankenstein this afternoon. I had not read the book before but I must say that I was incredibly taken with it. What a phenomonal book. Mary Shelley was 18 when she started to write it! Where do these classic authors get their vocabulary??? Are our schools that bad? Seriously, are they just child prodigies that grow up learning much more than other kids? One of my favorite lines in the book is by the vile creature himself:

"If I Cannot Inspire Love, I Will Cause Fear."

This line has so much depth and meaning to it, I cannot even begin to apply it to humans. There's too much there.
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Anonymous said...

I read frankenstein when I was eight. By the time I was twelve I had made it through Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, East of Eden, Ivanhoe, Silas Marner, The Scarlett Letter, Gone with the Wind,and Mutiny on the Bounty, along with many other classics. Am I a genius? No. I had a lot of other friends that had the same reading lists at that age as well... the kicker here is we were homeschooled. And no, we weren't social idiots. I am not advocating homeschooling for everyone, but the truth is when you have one-on-one education like that, and you are not held back by the 20 other kids in your class, and you are not stuck in school eight hours every day..and you don't have to worry about standardized testing, you have a ton of time to learn.

Dustin said...

yeah, that just makes me realize again that my school really sucked!

Michael said...

I wish I had 18 hours a day to read.