There's no question that I love to read and usually end up reading about 40-50 books a year, although this year was quite lower for some reason, might have been the chaos of getting married, job transition, moving, etc. One of my favorite things to do is to make a reading list for the following year which I did while sitting down the other night with Kelli. I generally write down what I know I can read and then end up reading more along the way as authors I like come out with books I didn't know were coming or people tell me I must read something. Some of the books on this list came from other's recommendations, or a feeling that if i'm a literature fan at all there are certain books that I must read. Because I had a poor public school education you will notice books i probably should have read such as Slaughterhouse Five and Brave New World. I have also taken some recommendations from other blogs as I have seen what other people I respect are reading, checked it out and felt intrigued by reading it as well. So without any more nerdery, here is my reading list for 2006.
Feel free to leave any other books you might recommend. I'd be happy to check them out!
Literature and Poetry:Town and City – Jack Kerouac
The Brothers Karamazov – Dostoevsky
Wise Blood – Flannery O’Connor
Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
Complete Poems of Wendell Berry
Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
To A God Unknown – John Steinbeck
Travels with Charley; In Search of America – John Steinbeck
Slaughterhouse Five – Vonnegut
Brave New World – Huxley
Fahrenheit 451 – Bradbury
Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
The Waste Land – TS Eliot
Non-Fiction:On Earth as it is in Advertising – Eman
Wishful Thinking – Buechner
Organic Faith – Neil Cole
The Importance of Being Foolish – Brennan Manning
The Gospel According to Moses – Dickson
Practicioners: Voices within the Emergent Movement – Russinger
Communicating for a Change – Andy Stanley
The Challenge of Jesus – N.T. Wright
Preaching: Re-imagined – Doug Pagitt
Jesus in the Margins – McKinley
Heaven – Randy Alcorn
The Sacred Way: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life – Tony Jones
The Gospel According to America – David Dark
The Secret Message of Jesus – Brian Mclaren