Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ping-Pong, Prostitutes, and (can't think of another P-Word)

Where am I? - Sitting in Alt.Coffee (a little coffeeshop in the East Village) right behind a guy with a shirt that says, "Losing is Nature's way of Saying You Suck "No Fear". Hahahaha. I was wondering where all the no fear shirts went. This guys got them.

Worst CD I've heard this week? - The Bravery - The Bravery. This is the most annoying garbage you'll hear for sometime. This dance rock thing has gotten out of control. I've said this before but if I hear one more band (The Killers especially) trying to be a modern version of Duran Duran meets Morrissey I'm going to give up on music. Have you seen The Killers perform? Why doesn't he stop trying to be Morrissey and start trying to create an identity for himself?

What I did last week? - went to Naperville and got some time to hang with Brad and Nick. I ate Cold Stone twice, Mongolian BBQ (awesome), Potbelly, and Smoky Bones. Great food. Also took a romantic walk by the riverwalk one time with Brad and Keith. As Keith says, "just dudes being dudes." In the meantime there was this middle aged couple eating faces by the water for a good 45 minutes. that's got to be an affair right? What husband and wife at that age is devouring each other by the water? That would be respectable if they were married for like 20 years though. To still have that passion would be impressive.

Weirdest NYC thing on Sunday? - a van pulls up in front of Brian and an Explorer pulls up right behind it and parks. A woman who has no underwear on and hardly a skirt gets out of the explorer, gets into the van with blacked out windows and the van starts a rockin. The strange thing about it??? It was 8am! Who's pickin up prostitutes at 8AM on a Sunday Morning?

Best Seinfeld Episode on this week? - Can Yogurt Cause Weight Gain? "This yogurt is *$&#(in great!" I love that one.


Keith said...

'Eating Faces'...That's a great description...Funniest thing I've read all week...

Kramer: "Hey, I'll tell you what, chubbs, if that yogurt has fat in it, I will put myself on an all-yogurt diet for a week."
Jerry: "Well, let's start the insanity."
Kramer: "Mmmmmm.... giddyup!"

Mandy said...

what a great post. too many funny things to mention...

eating faces, 8 a.m. prostitutes, the long-lost (and NOT missed) No Fear t-shirts, etc.

Anyways, it was good to see you (even if very briefly) last week in naperville! it's crazy we were there at the same time!