Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Austin Powers

Posted by Hello Believe it or not I had never seen Austin Powers before last night. I saw the third one on TV a few months ago and loved it so last night Kelli and I watched it at her place. There were a few parts within the movie that I was literally crying unable to watch the screen I was laughing so hard. What an incredible movie! I wish I would have watched these movies sooner. I have no idea why I didn't see them. One of my favorite parts is when he is trying to turn around the little golf cart thing in the narrow hallway. If you've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about. Or when he is playing Blackjack and stays on a 5. Hilarious scene. I am now a huge fan of Austin Powers. I love comedies but it has been a long time since a comedy has made me laugh that hard. It was painful.


Anonymous said...

OMG you hadn't seen Austin Powers movies before?! That reminds me of a kid who I went to high school with. I pulled out an Oreo at lunch and he said, "What's that?" The lunch table got quiet - and I mean crickets chirping quiet. Everyone said, "What do you mean 'What's that? Haven't you eaten an Oreo before?" His response was that he had never seen one either. We thought he was amish from then on. The kid didn't have a microwave at his house and wasn't introduced to a pop-tart until age 20. :)

Anonymous said...

i have never seen you laugh so hard! your face was SO RED with tears streaming down your face. i'm glad i could introduce you to such a classic film. i, too, like to live dangerously.


Adam said...

wow that oreo story was awsome.

Austin Powers 3 was the first movie I ever owned. My mom got it for me for Christmas (she had no idea what she was getting me) Tyler and I watched it and rewinded parts ohh about 10 times in some parts. Especially the mole parts