Monday, April 07, 2008

The countdown has begun

כָלַה - finished or accomplished

That is what I will be with Hebrew after just five more classes! Finished!

I'm not quite as ecstatic as I thought I would be in the midst of first semester because it has gotten much easier this second semester, no doubt about it. But I can't say I'm going to miss vocab quizzes and translation tests, nor will I ever think again about filling out verbal paradigm charts.

Praise Yahweh!


g13 said...

dude, i have four more and then i graduate. finally.

keep on, keepin' on.

Anonymous said...

Do you know a guy named David Hadidian there at Western? I saw an update from a new church plant here in Tampa (Common Ground) that he's coming to serve with them as an intern. Just curious.

John V

Dustin said...

the name sounds familiar but I don't think I know him.