Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Breast Milk in Ice Cream? What?

Peta is asking Ben and Jerry's to use breast milk in their ice cream instead of cow's milk.

I'm speechless.


chris leonardo said...

but milk from cow boobs doesn't gross you out?

cow boobs

Dustin said...

i've actually never had a glass of plain milk in my life (although I am guilty of loving chocolate milk as you know). Growing up with cow milk has made it not a big deal, but who knows, maybe that is weird too. But i will NEVER eat anything with breast milk in it! that i can assure you.

Karli said...


Keep stealing little baby cows milk from it's un-consenting mother hooked up to some pump.

That's way less gross.

; )

Kelli Bagby said...

I oppose to drinking human milk for the same reason I oppose to eating human flesh.

I think drinking cow's milk is a little weird as I think about it more, but I still love me a nice juicy burger! =)

Dan said...

milk does a body good, you guys. breast milk is supposed to be really healthy, right?