Friday, March 07, 2008

Grand Archives

I just discovered a great album from Grand Archives released from Sub Pop Records. This will definitely be on my top albums of 2008 list! This is seriously the best thing I've heard this year so far.

Here's their Myspace page.


Brian said...

Love it, thanks for the recommendation.

Anonymous said...

wow. that's good stuff. thanks...

have you heard of fionn regan?

Anonymous said...

Dustin, have you read "the shack" by william young? i just wondered if you had any thoughts on it.

Dustin said...

Hey Betsy,

No, I haven't read it, but I keep hearing it getting brought up, one professor at Western required it as a book for a class recently and I can't figure out what it has to do with that class (because it's a Greek class!), but I'm curious now. Have you read it?

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of reading it right now. I don't have an opinion formed because I'm really just getting started. Most reviews I've read either love it or think it's blasphemous so I am interested to see what actually happens in it. I definitely don't see how it relates to Greek yet...