Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another Dustin Bagby?

No seriously. I thought I was the only one. I always thought my name was pretty unique. It turns out there are a few different Dustin Bagbys out there! And THIS ONE is a musician. Check out his Myspace. This is good stuff. I'm glad that if there is another Dustin Bagby in this world, he's a good musician. Nice work Dustin.

I still think it would be weird to say, "Hey, have you guys heard the new Dustin Bagby record?"

How many of you are out there?


Anonymous said...

he's my british bizarro ME.

Weird thing is that he's also a designer who cares about justice issues. He's always getting emails that are supposed to be mine and then he forwards them to me. Nice guy, we chat once in awhile. We look nothing alike.

Anonymous said...

I think the only people who share my name are porn stars :(