Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Brush With a Furry Death

Posted by Hello A few moments ago, I just got back from working out and was sitting typing on my computer. All of the sudden I heard this horrible noise to the right of me. I looked over and saw a black squirrel inside my apartment. I have no screen on my window so he was inside sitting on my window ledge. My immediate response was obviously to swear and then after that I sat completely still as he looked me over judging my size and quickness. I have to admit that I was afraid but did not want to show my fear. I could only pray this squirrel would not see me shaking or he might feel free to attack. Fortunately for me he took one last look and then ran away and right at that moment I ran as fast as I could to my window and slammed it shut. My heart is still pounding. Who knows what could have happened had he jumped down and hit the floor. It could have all been over for me.


Anonymous said...

I heard about those new york squirrels. They are dangerous... Very dangerous...


Mandy said...

This is one of the funniest stories to picture in my mind. I definitely saw one of those squirrels in Central Park when I was there a few years ago and we got it on videotape. I suppose it was kinda scary looking...

Anonymous said...

you should see the squirrels here at kent state. two of them were trapped in 1957 in canada by the superintendant of maintenance at KSU at the time. he brought them here and they've taken over the campus. they kill the grey native squirrels and chase after students if they have food. my friend and i saw one sitting on a trash can finishing off a McDonald's big mac.