Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Bad

Kelli got me this book for Christmas and it has made fantastic bathroom reading. Basically the book recounts 25 years of public apologies and gives a blurb of what brought on the apology. Anyway here is one I thought particularly hilarious.

"Obviously, it's a mistake. It's not something that we would ever have done intentionally. while we do proofread these things very carefully, with the volume on that particular page, that was something that was missed."

Jennifer Belodeau, spokeswomans for Caldor department stores, apologizing for a toys-and-games advertising supplement distributed in eighty-five Northeast newspapers that featured an image of two smiling boys sitting around a Scrabble board on which was spelled the word "RAPE." Nov. 3rd 1998

Wow! Now THAT makes your day seem not so bad!

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