Wednesday, December 27, 2006

a better day

Today is a better day than the last. Yesterday was an awful day at work which you can read about below and Kelli was very sick and we didn't know what was wrong with her which is stressful as well. But after my short shift tonight I will be done with work for 4 or 5 days and will get to spend time with Kelli and her parents unhindered by customers. And Kelli got in with a doctor today and found out that she will live but will just need a few weeks to recover and a few more tests!

We opened our Christmas presents today and I am very excited with what Kelli's parents bought us! My favorite gift was tickets to see Josh Ritter at the Aladdin Theatre! Doesn't get much better than that! Of course, getting money to buy books that I want was rather nice too! I'm very excited to come home tonight and order them all!

I am hoping to have a better attitude tonight at work with the customers and be a little more at peace. I have such a hard time not taking things personally when it comes with customers. Maybe this is God's way of helping me learn this lesson before I start to pastor again. It's certainly something that I struggle with. I'm weak!


The Young Circus said...

I used to work customer service over the phone for a bank with people's money. Let me tell you, people get more upset and ridiculous over their money than anything else...did you know that it was ALWAYS my fault when someone's account was overdrawn?! I understand the frustration with customer service, it certainly changes your opinion of how to treat others in similar circumstances. Hang in there.
Hope Kelli feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

hope kelli starts feeling better...

i bought two new books yesterday. i went with your professional opinion and bought Body Piercings Saved My Life and I also go 23 Minutes in Hell. It's a very interesting book.

Dustin said...

good call Jeff, you won't regret it. What is 23 Minutes in Hell about???

Thanks for the encouragements Justin and/or Katie (i'm guessing Katie)!

Anonymous said...

well, i just got done reading it. it's about a guy that was sent to hell by God because "many people truly don't believe that hell exists". i was skeptical of the book and the accounts, but he backs up everything through scripture. very easy read. the beginning is all about his account in hell. very detailed and scary. then he just goes on to give confirmation and biblical backing on hell.

Sundi said...

Tribulation worketh patience! You haven't been asking God to give you patience have you? Big mistake my man, huge! You will have more bad customers that way! LOL

Hope Kelli gets to feeling better, give her my love!

Anonymous said...

dude, if you haven't seen Blood Diamond yet, go see it. i saw it last night...and it was amazing. very powerful.

Truthseeker said...

Very Powerful Blog Inddedd

Portia said...

Thank you for the blog