Sunday, January 02, 2005

Mr. Nice Guy

Posted by Hello
I just read Doug Van Pelt's "Rock Stars On God" which was a set of very interesting interviews with several music artists that I enjoy. Alice Coopers interview was shocking as always. Here is what he wrote.

Doug asks, "Well, you have seemingly avoided the Christian celebrity, "Let's get him on the 700 Club mentality." And my question is: Where did you acquire the wisdom to make that astute decision?"

AC replies: "I have been surrounded by guys that are strong Christian guys. A youth pastor, my pastor, and all of them have protected me. They've all said, 'You know, it's great who you are. Be careful of celebrity Christianity.' because it's really easy to use somebody. It's really easy to focus on Alice Cooper and not on Christ. It's so embarrassing in the very beginning, when somebody would say, 'We want you to speak at our youth thing.' And you get there and it says, 'ALICE COOPER' in huge letters, 'speaking about Christ' in small letters. And I'm sitting there going. 'That is blasphemy’ That tells me something right there that something’s wrong. I'm a rock singer. I'm nothing more than that. I'm not a politician; I'm not a philosopher. What I really am is a follower of Christ. My job is rock n roll; my life is dedicated to following Christ. When I go to speak to people, they think I’m going to have some answers. I go, 'I don't have any answers. Please, give me some answers. I can give you what I think. I think that the most important thing that I know is dependence on Christ. That's all I know, is that I have absolutely no answers, and I have no power. I can entertain you, but when it comes to being subject to Christ, I consider myself low on the totem pole of knowledgeable Christians."

I didn't even know Alice Cooper was a Christian (where have I been?) or the fact that he's good friends and golfs with RC Sproule! He's never stops shocking people!

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