Thursday night I had dinner with my neighbor who happens to be homosexual and lives with
his boyfriend. This evening he was with another man Brian whom I guess he is cheating on his live-in boyfriend with. Also present was Karen, a woman who legitimately had questions about being a pastor and Christianity. The other two were drunk most of the night but talking with Karen made it worth the four hours and annoyance.
I have to admit that I was uncomfortable when she started talking about her strap on dildo that she used to use on her boyfriend. Could have done without that info, or all the talkof anal sex. I still don't understand why you would want to do that. Mitch Fatel, one of my favorite comics always says, "I don't understand it, I've never been dissatisfied with the vagina. I've never thought, man, i am so bored, if only there were someplace else to put this."
The first thing that Karen and the boys were wondering was, "Have you had sex before?" So that was interesting. I was like an animal at the zoo. The night was good because I thinkI cleared up some misconceptions about Christianity and what it means to be a pastor because all most people have in their mind here is what a priest is and that's all. They don't understand the difference.
I left encouraged, especially just remembering what Bill Hybels said. Last week he said
that we always leave discouraged with a conversation when we don't take people across the
"line" of Christianity during these visits but maybe that's not our job or God's plan.
Maybe God just wants to use us to take people from a -10 to a -9 as far as how close they are to becoming a Christian. And if we've done that, we've done what God wanted us to doand should feel good about it. And then other times God uses us to take people across that line. I feel like I did what God wanted me to do and I can be happy with that. If God uses me to help bring them to Christ, great, but if it's someone elses job then that's fine too.
Last night Kelli and I went to the Comedy Cellar and saw a show that happened to be being taped by NBC for some new show on comics in New York. It's a tiny place and we were right in front so hopefully we'll be on the show. Darrell Hammond, Keith Robinson, Gregg Giraldo, and some guy from Curb Your Enthusiasm were all hilarious. Colin Quinn kind of sucked as he typically does. It's funny to watch because all of the tourists in the room are cheering like crazy when he comes out because they think he's going to be the best because he is well known but then it's just silence for his whole set. It's not that he's not clever or creative, he's just too smart for his own good and has too many things running through his head. Very hard to follow.