Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A little like heaven...

I checked out the new Albina Press Coffee on 50th and Hawthorne today and this could be the perfect coffee shop for several reasons.

1. It serves Stumptown coffee, but unlike Stumptown you don't get the sense that everyone wishes you would leave.

2. It's got a great atmosphere. It's big, bright, with a nice breeze blowing through.

3. Free wifi, plus an electrical outlet at almost every table! At most coffee shops you've got to fight over the two outlets in the whole joint.

4. It's within walking distance of Western Seminary. It's possible to take a 10 minute break from class, walk there, grab a cup and walk back and miss almost nothing!

5. The entire hour I was there the sweet sounds of Sufjan were in the air. I don't think it's necessary to mention the horrific records spinning at corporate coffee shops do I?

This could be the perfect coffee shop! I'm relocating my office.

NOTE: After reading this post I know this all sounds really pretentious so I hope those who don't know me will give me the benefit of the doubt. I'm not a coffee snob or anything, I just want a place that's comfortable to have the occasional coffee meeting or work on my computer.


Aaron Stewart said...

I'm sold. :)

Chip Anderson said...


Anonymous said...

I can "Amen" that!

Anonymous said...

...so, is it better to be considered a beer snob?

Dustin said...

absolutely! That's a virtue.