First, the brewery is owned by the former president of Nike. I had no idea that this was owned by a group of corporate folk (this is fine but combined with what is next it's not fine).
Second, all workers at the brewery gets paid minimum wage. This was something the tour guide bragged about. She said that the president spends money on nothing. They pay their employees nothing, they buy no equipment as you will see, and will absolutely spend no money on anything. I'm not sure if this was supposed to impress us, but all it did was pissed me off. The workers we saw appeared to be immigrants from Mexico who were getting paid absolutely nothing and I assume also have no brewery experience. How is this supposed to impress us? I would much rather have a brewery like New Belgium paying their employees well and giving them great benefits (such as an all expense paid trip to Belgium after ten years as well as hiring those with valuable experience to brew my beer.
Overall, this was an extremely disappointing experience. I don't think in good conscience I can buy Rogue beer knowing that it is run by a stingy corporate businessman who pays minimum wage and puts nothing back into the brewery. It's such a sham. The whole vision of Rogue is to be this independent, unique brewery but that seems far from the reality as presented by the tour guide.
All of this basically comes straight from the tour yesterday and the information was spoken as if it should impress us, but it basically made me realize what a sham it really is. I am trying to take the info given with a grain of salt because honestly, all I know is what one tour guide said. Maybe that's false information. I hope so!
I'm bummed. It really made me appreciate Widmer Bros. and New Belgium! I think John Maier is a creative and talented brew master and it's unfortunate how the brewery is run and I think that is a big detriment to the brewers and the consumers alike.
Anyway, here are the beers we tasted yesterday:
Old Crusty (extremely strong and malty-couldn't even get through a taster glass of it)
10,000 Brew (strong floral flavor, couldn't drink an entire pint of this)
Brutal Bitter (this is decent, like a mild IPA)
Hazelnut Brown Nectar (this is my favorite Rogue beer, very sweet, drinks like a dessert)
Shakespeare Stout (complex flavor, very strong chocolate/malt richness, I'd rather have a Guiness)
Chipotle Ale (tasted like a regular ale, couldn't taste any spice)
Dead Guy Ale (ah, nothing sticks out on this one)
Thanks for the investigative scoop on Rogue brew.
Yes, new belgium is hands down a better co. Period.
It makes you wonder why they even give tours of their facility. You'd think they would want to keep the sham a secret.
yeah Jake, it's not even so much the tours but it's the information the tour guide gives that is the crazy part! I'm not sure the owner would like her saying what she says. I think the girl just might not know any better.
could the tour guide tell that you weren't in the least bit impressed? and yeah that it crazy that they even give tours.
that sucks man. but hey, at least you know now.
i would love to go to england and take a tour of where ever the make "K"...that stuff is so good.
hey jeff, are you talking about K Draft Cider? If so, it would be cool to see a place like that and see the process.
i don't think the tour guide noticed because there were these college kids on the tour and they were super excited about everything. Any word that came out of her mouth they were like, "that's F*$in awesome." So, i doubt she noticed the looks on our faces.
Yeah. K Draft Cider. I love that stuff. I really like draft ciders so I'm trying to try a bunch. That's my favorite so far...
annoying college kids!!
i can't believe that a tour guide in the pacific northwest commended such shitty labor conditions. that would be akin to a harvard historian revealing to the unsuspecting that the college is really just a diploma mill. not that i'm equating rogue with harvard, but, um, you get the point.
i would say that they must have imported the tour guide from a dallas suburb. but that would be mean.
I LOVE draft cider as well! You have to try Woodchuck Cider. It's the best I've ever had. Enjoy!
you review way too much stuff. books, cds, beer,
etc, etc, etc, the list doesn't end. it sometimes seems a bit... whats the word?
i don't know, what's the word?
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