Wednesday, December 17, 2008

List December #16

Best Music of 2008 - Pt. 2
#'s 11-20

20. Earlimart - Hymn and Her

19. Brown Bird - The Bottom of the Sea

18. The Streets - Everything is Borrowed

17. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals - Cardinology
Fix It MP3

16. Aaron Espe - Songs from a Small Town

15. Human Highway - Moody Motorcycle
Sleep Talking MP3

14. Chad VanGaalen - Soft Airplane
City of Electric Light MP3

13. Blitzen Trapper - Furr
Furr MP3

12. Grand Archives - S/T
Sleepdriving MP3

11. Tyler Ramsey - A Long Dream...
Ships MP3

#'s 1-10 coming tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This stuff is great...the top 10's are a great read!! I especially liked your comedy listing :)
