Monday, March 05, 2007

One of the most uncomfortable and horrific things I have ever seen. I have never felt worse for anyone in my life!

And of course a great story about this tragedy here on ESPN.


Dan said...

I completely forgot about this guy! My favorite part is that "Boom goes the dynamite" has actually been adopted into ESPN highlights since then. How can something be this funny and this painful at the same time? It defies reason!

Melissa said...

Thank you sooooooo much for posting this. The man certainly stored up some major treasures in Heaven for withstanding this 3 minutes of pure torture.

Anonymous said...

I have never been so embarrassed for anyone in my life! It was absolutely painful to watch, yet I was laughing constantly! Thanks for cheering up my dull night!


Anonymous said...

"passes it to the man. and boom goes the dynamite."


this video will forever crack me up