Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Get Your Miracle Spring Water Today!

Some real Testimonials from the website!
With my comments.

I wrote for prayer for my son, for a drinking problem. Well some weeks ago he told me he quit drinking! At three parties with alcohol, I observed no drinking and no smoking. I give God the Glory and Thank you.
--Sister B Sampson, Winnipeg, MB
My question is: what are you doing at three booze parties with your son?

Thank you for your prayers. Last week I found out that I had an account with enough money in it to pay almost all of my credit cards. This was a total surprise to me. Thank you again for praying with me.
--Sister C. Bercier, Vanier, ON Canada
Gosh I hate when I find out that I have thousands of dollars in an account! Always gets me!

I received the miracle spring water and the blessed cakes in Jesus' name. Everything around me and my family is different. Blessings have been occurring. You were not wrong; it was a $17,000 loan that was granted to me to pay off most of my debts. You're a guiding light. I thank the Lord for your prayers. I see myself now walking in the right path.
--Brother E. Sotomayor, Bronx, NY (4/22/04)
Not quite sure what the "blessed cakes" are but they sound delicious. One thing she might not have thought of is that the 17,000 dollar loan is still DEBT!

Rev Peter Popoff I am so glad that we are in contact with each other, your prayers for us is a blessing, one thing I have been asking the lord for was a home, thanks to you for all of your prayers my wish came true. I now have a home of my own and that's not all my husband received a $302,000.00 check in the mail the other day unexpectedly. You told me in the letter that miracle money would come true and it has. Thank you so very much for all of your prayers god is good and he has blessed me tremendously .
-- Mrs. Bladensburg
Must be Publishers Clearing House! She won!


Agent B said...

"Rev Peter Popoff"? Naw man...that can't be reals.

...and yes...how the hell is a $17000 loan a BLESSING to pay off debts?

Borrowing from Peter Pop Off to pay Paul

Dustin said...

unfortunately it is true!


I remember him on TV this year with other testimonials for the miracle spring water. My friends and I just sat around and laughed our heads off!

Lowery said...

The loan bit made me laugh pretty hard. Thanks for the good laugh on this boring afternoon. What I kept thinking is that if these are truly miracles, why did God consistently fall short? The surprise account helped pay for most of the credit card debt? The surprise money almost paid off the debt? No offense to Peter Popoff (and seriously, that name is just wrong), but his miracle water is technically half-assed.

Anonymous said...

Dustin, thanks for the much needed laugh! whenever I hear the phrase "blessed cakes" I promise to think of you!

Btw, any chance we can go out for a beer one night this week?

Adam said...

Dustin the Lark News place is that for real, some real, or all fake?

They have a T-shirt that says "you would make a great missionary, except you wouldn't"

Dustin said...

Lark News is all fake.

hahaha, funny shirt.

Anonymous said...

hi this is tina cole mary cole daughter and you are just a fake. and dont think my mother is sending you any more money cause she not. the people that are saying you have sent them money are lieing for you so that you dont go to jail. well you are messing with the wrong family so if you are gonig to send my mother money then send it and quit asking her for the money.

Anonymous said...

please pray for me peter popoff this is nicole thomas from delaware and we have been freinds for a long time through the mail. I have done just about everything you told me to do. I just recently ate the manna bread. just received a car. now I need you to help me finicially and pklease very soon nicole

kiwi said...

peter popoff im going to pray for you every thing you told me in them letters i havent got anything you told me it's my faith that i have in jesus that get me the things i have today. i can pray in belive my self i sent you my bill money in my daughter pamper money. i had to pray in god bless me to pay my bill not all of it but i got faith in god that he will pay it in full. how can you take from the poor in say you is a man of god.read your bible jesus feed the poor in heald the sick free of charge.every letter you send me you wont money.can you buy my kids some pampers in pay my bill.im going to pray for you cause you is going to need it. god set hight in look low so you will have your day on judgement day .god bless you im praying for you i know the bible please read it for you can know the bible.stop takeing from the poor in help them

Anonymous said...

I got beach front property in arizona hello?