Monday, May 03, 2010

10 Books of My Summer Reading List

1. Bonhoeffer; Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy - Eric Metaxas

2. After You Believe - N.T. Wright

3. Hannah's Child: A Theologians Memoir - Stanley Hauerwas

4. Wired for Intimacy - William Struthers

5. Leading on Empty - Wayne Cordeiro

6. The Great Theologians; A Brief Guide - Gerald McDermott

7. Giving Church Another Chance - Todd Hunter

8. Total Church - Tim Chester

9. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - Bruce Ware

10. The Powers That Be - Walter Wink

1 comment:

Agent B said...

I recently read a non fiction book by Captain Best who was a Brit captured by the Nazi's in 1939. In it he mentions having been imprisoned on the same wing as Bonhoeffer for a brief time.

It was amazing to read the short blurb by this hardened non-believer. He gave a very respectful account of his short time with Bonhoeffer. It was kind of an unexpected testimony within the typical spy/war dramas that I enjoy reading.